This winter, we're busier than ever helping lost pets get out of the cold. We transport animals to our partners in the field and try to unite them with their owners or in some cases, find them new homes. Check out some of the cases we've worked lately!

This big fella found himself in quite the predicament. He was spotted and posted on Facebook as loose near a busy highway by many people in search of his owner. He was a young unneutered male and had made his way several miles, even visiting a local business and attempting to get inside. Two people on separate occasions had taken him home for safe keeping until an owner could be located - and he had escaped both times. The last time, one of our volunteers saw his story and knew he must be very lost now and confused. At the same time, our friends at Friends of the Pets Adoption Center offered to take him in if he could be located. All of the local vet clinics and the nearest animal shelter were contacted and information was left in case an owner came forward looking for him as well. He was quickly located and safely kept for several days in the area to give an owner the opportunity to claim him. Our volunteer then took him to meet his rescue, where he is now safe and happy (the picture of him sleeping upside-down shows just how happy of a boy he is and finally able to relax and unwind). Now that he is safe - his rescue has neutered and given him veterinary care and he has already found a loving home.
One of the many reasons to #spayandneuter your pets is to reduce the chances of them roaming and becoming lost. Many of the lost and found dogs we see posted each day are intact males.